One of my "biggest" concerns when I decided to move to Turkey was how to live without the famous German bread varieties, especially the wholemeal bread. In Germany, I almost never ate white bread, except the occasional French baguette. In Turkey, like in most countries, people usually consume white bread and it was difficult to find something else. A close friend of mine who moved to Sweden some years ago actually bought a small mill for at home and took whole wheat with her so that she could make her own bread. I was thinking of doing the same but I am happy to see, that now, different kinds of bread are available in the bakeries and supermarkets. Besides that, my mom is often baking her own bread, which is really the best. Thank you mom!
I also prefer whole grain breads, but they are easy to find in the U.S. as are whole grain flours for those who wish to bake their own bread. The bread I baked yesterday is a white bread which is made with only a tiny amount of dry yeast. You mix it up and let it rise slowly for 12-18 hours. You never knead it at all. When it is ready to bake you heat a "Dutch oven" in a hot (450 degree F) oven and when the pot is very hot you tip the bread, rolled in cornmeal, into the pot, cover and bake for 1/2 hour, then uncover and continue baking 1/2 hour more. It makes a wonderfully crunchy crust and a moist interior--really delicious! I want to experiment with adding at least some whole wheat flour to it, but this will delay the rising even further.
Hey, thanks for the recipe, Nina! You really must have had a feast yesterday.
See, the reason why I rarely bake bread is that you have to plan ahead and it takes so long. That's why I had thought of buying one of those bread machines. It does all the work for you.
I didn't know you call those pots Dutch oven. There's always something to be learned. Can I also bake it in a normal oven or would it get dry then?
Thanks again for sharing!
Merhaba, Nergiz.
I used to bake bread regularly, but I haven't done that recently.
When I made bread, I often baked whole-grain breads; one of my favorites was a dark, somewhat sweet, rye bread. I also enjoyed making sweet breads—mostly Ukrainian or Rusian recipes made with sweetened cheese, nut paste, or poppy seed paste. Other favorites were crescent rolls (which I like as much as croissants) and cinnamon rolls.
You know, just writing about the bread that I used to make has made me hungry—and has made me realize that I'd realy like to return to baking bread regularly!
All the best—
Dennis in Phoenix
Merhaba dear Dennis
Those sweet breads sound lovely.
When you read through the ingredients list of supermarket bread, you don't really want to consume them anymore.
Blogging inspires :-) Let me know when you start baking again.
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